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Fruitbelt District/Area Commissioners

The Fruit Belt (original spelling) District was established (to the best of our knowledge) in 1945.

We are attempting to establish a history of Fruitbelt Area/District. The following is a list of commissioners that was assembled from the recollections of several scouters. Years in most cases are speculative. If you have any informnation that will help us complete and correct this list, please let us know. We are also looking for photographs.

2013 - 2016Mike Burke
2010 - 2013Caron Edwards
2007 - 2010Margaret Lee
2004 - 2007Scott Bradley
2002 - 2004Lloyd Clarke
2000 - 2002Cam Smith
1998 - 2000Ethel Demain
1995 - 1998Gail Thompson
1993 - 1995Jim Comeau
1990 - 1993Ethel Domain
1988 - 1990Mike Burke
1985 - 1988Gord Mason
1983 - 1985Kent Diamond
1981 - 1983Gord Rose
1980 - 1981Leo Meaghan
1978 - 1980Wayne Young
1976 - 1978Jim Howarth
1975 - 1976Mark Young
1971 - 1975Ken Mackey
1969 - 1971Russ Kelk
1967 - 1969Geoff Storey
1963 - 1967Eric Robertson
1959 - 1962Bud Johnston
1956 - 1959Jim Baker
- Frank Greaves
- Cyril Mote
1945 - Stanley Gibson

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