Honours and Awards | Gallery | Memory Lane  

Fruitbelt Events


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Matt Darbyson and Zac Van Oosten do readings.

Matt Darbyson and Zac Van Oosten do readings.

Mike Burke receives Silver Acorn award

Mike Burke receives Silver Acorn award

Sing Along

Sing Along

Yvonne and Russ Kelk, registrars at Kub Kar

Yvonne and Russ Kelk, registrars at Kub Kar

kids ready to roll their vehicles.

kids ready to roll their vehicles.

Lloyd Clarke makes a presentation to Ben Hand

Lloyd Clarke makes a presentation to Ben Hand

Kub Kar participants

Kub Kar participants

Medal of the Maple for Matt Darbyson 2012 held in Welland

Medal of the Maple for Matt Darbyson 2012 held in Welland

Medal of the Maple for Matt Darbyson 2012 held in Welland

Medal of the Maple for Matt Darbyson 2012 held in Welland

Lloyd Clarke makes presentation to Ian Major, 2012 H&A in Beamsville

Lloyd Clarke makes presentation to Ian Major, 2012 H&A in Beamsville

Lloyd Clarke makes presentation to Marg Lee, 2012 H&A in Beamsville

Lloyd Clarke makes presentation to Marg Lee, 2012 H&A in Beamsville

Lloyd Clarke makes presentation to Joan Wiebe, 2012 H&A in Beamsville

Lloyd Clarke makes presentation to Joan Wiebe, 2012 H&A in Beamsville

Honours and Awards | Gallery | Memory Lane  

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